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Cornelis (Cornel) Slenters (born 1939) was raised in the Netherlands.

His formal education spans Europe and the USA, which includes an advanced engineering degree in electronics, systems & computer science from North Eastern University, Boston.

A Near Death Experience as a young adult made him acutely aware  of the limitations in our western scientific framework of thinking.

Starting his career in engineering, working for Philips, IBM and Hewlett-Packard, he migrated over the years to business management and  training management. In this last function he held the post of HP European Training Director, with the challenge to develop the best european sales forces in the  IT business.

Then, in the early nineties, he started his own training consultancy, Slenters Action Learning, and taught a wide range of subjects related to personal development and leadership development, at business schools in the Geneva region in Switzerland.

During this time, he discovered the extraordinary organizing power of Creative-R through experimentation with small scale mathematical models and decided that this discovery was important enough to close his practice in order to focus full time on the exploration of this discovery. 

It took two years to develop the theory and write it up in an understandable format. The result is the LOTA philosophy of science,  published in his book 'Breakthrough, the Origins of Mind, Space & Time'.

In preparation of the first print edition in 1996 he worked with three world class scientists, long time friends, Dr. Ueli Schibler in the field of microbiology, Dr. Albert Hofmann in the field of physics and Dr. Robert Steffen in the field of medicine. They reviewed the drafts with two principle questions as targets: Is this new? Can we break the logic?

After the  publication of Breakthrough he decided to concentrate on the development of applications for personal development, based on the LOTA insights. These applications were integrated in a range of courses related to  personal development, from which students have benefited till his retirement.

The LOTA philosophy of science has been standing up to the test of time since the 1996 publication and a wider awareness of its existence could bring benefits to many.

The author decided therefore to distribute the remaining print copies to libraries and make Breakthrough available as an eBook on the internet, free of charge.

He lives with his family in Switzerland.


He can be contacted via this email address: plato-lota (at) bluewin (dot) ch , also for webmaster questions.

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For further writings by Cornel Slenters, explore the website trilogy dedicated to:
LOTA science theories & debates
Emotional Intelligence