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Preparation for challenges and falcification

By Cornel Slenters

The SLENTERS philosophy of science webpages offer several opportunities for challenging and falsifying the LOTA philosophy of science. We can do this because the level of confidence is very high and we view the LOTA philosophy of science as a process, with opportunities for improvement. If you think this is unusual: indeed. Who else can do this?

The challenges:

  • Is LOTA the most comprehensive philosophy of science in existence to-day? We don't know and hestitate to make that statement, you are invited to challenge it.
  • Can you falsify the LOTA philosophy of science for 'understating' reality?
  • Can you falsify the LOTA philosophy of science for 'overstating' reality?
  • Can you describe a physics theory from which the dynamics of consciousness are explained, including a solution to 'the hard problem'?

Invitation to challenge or falsify

This requires serious preparation.

As a starter, a thorough understanding of all the material covered on websites and  .

Plus a thorough understanding of Breakthrough, the Origins of Mind, Space and Time, an introduction to the LOTA philosophy of science, which you can download here for free as an ebook.

This is not for everyone and requires:
  • An open mind
  • Ability to deal with many paradigm shifts
  • Advanced ability to recognize patterns and manipulate in your mind complex multi-dimensional structures.
While the ebook is a mere 150 pages, you will have to be prepared to read it at least three times in order to gain a full mental grasp of the concepts (yes also for very smart people).
When you are ready to challenge, the author can be contacted via 'lota (at) slenters (dot) ch'

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For further writings by Cornel Slenters, explore the website trilogy dedicated to:
LOTA science theories & debates
Emotional Intelligence